IPO Result and CDSC IPO Result Allotment

About Jalpa Laghunitta Company Information:

Jalpa Samudayik Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (JSLBSL) started joint operation in December 2020 following the merger of two regional level MFIs (viz. Jalpa Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (JLBSL), 10-district MFI operating since March 2019 and Mahila Samudayik Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (MSLBSL), another 10-district MFI operating since February 2019). JSLBSL has an NGO background with the takeover of microfinance businesses operated by FINGOs. JLBSL took over the microfinance business being conducted by Srijana Development Centre (SDC), an NGO, operating as a financial intermediary from 2003. Similarly, MSLBSL took over the microfinance business conducted by Nepal Women Community Service Centre (NWCSC), another NGO, operating as a financial intermediary from 2003

IPO Result of Jalpa Laghubitta

About the issue:

Jalpa Samudayik Laghubitta Sanstha Limited was issuing 5,22,000 units of ordinary shares worth Rs. 5.22 crores to the general public from Magh 21, 2078. Out of offered 522,000 units; 0.5% of issue capital i.e., 8,000 units had been allotted for the employees of the company, and 5% of the total offered to the general public i.e., 26,100 units had been allotted for the mutual funds. The remaining 487,900 units were for the general public.

Applications could be placed for a minimum of 10 units and a maximum of 5,220 units.

Prabhu Capital Limited was appointed as the issue manager for the IPO issuance.

After this IPO issue, public holding has been set 32.63% and promoters holding has been set 67.38%.

We can view IPO issue allotment result from three different sources that are given below:

1. We can view IPO Result of any IPO issue's from CDSC Website: https://iporesult.cdsc.com.np/ 

2. The IPO issue manager of the same company can also provide us an IPO allotment result which website is : https://www.prabhucapital.com/share-allotment

3. The last way to check IPO result place is company's own website which is: Jalpa Laghubitta IPO Result Allotment Result 

Tips: You will be find your IPO issue result allotment status from your MeroShare Account  also but the next day of IPO Result allotment.  
CDSC IPO Result | TMSLogin IPO Result | 


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